Download & Watch on Android Mobile

Downloading Victory+

Use this shortcut link to download the Victory+ App on the Google Play store, or follow the steps below:

  1. Unlock your device – Turn on your phone or tablet and unlock it
  2. Open the Google Play Store – Find the Play Store icon (it looks like a colorful triangle) and tap on it
  3. Search for the Victory+ app – Use the search bar at the top of the Play Store and type in "Victory+" or "Victoryplus"
  4. Select the app – When you see the app you want in the search results, tap on it
  5. Tap Install – After selecting the app, tap the Install button. The app will start downloading and installing
  6. Open the app – Once it’s installed, you can tap Open, or find the app on your home screen or in your list of apps

Create or Sign In to your Victory+ account

  1. Open the Victory+ app on your Android device
    1. Click the SIGN UP button to create a new Victory+ account and walk through the sign up form, or
    2. Click the Sign In button if you already have a Victory+ account and login

  2. If creating a new account, it is required to select the "I agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, & accept cookies." to sign up
    1. The VIP access email subscription is optional if you wish to receive regular promotions and insider content updates about Victory+

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