How to Create Your Victory+ Account

PC or Laptop

  1. On your PC, or laptop, open your preferred browser, and head to
  2. Click “Watch Free Now” in the top right corner
  3. Click "Don't have an account? Sign up"
  4. Enter your details on the sign up form
  5. Click the checkbox for “I agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, & accept cookies.
  6. (Optional) click the checkbox for “Yes! I want to opt in to score VIP access to exclusive updates, promotions, and insider content.”
  7. Click “Sign Up
  8. Verify your email
    1. Check your email/spam inbox for a verification email
      1. If you do not see an email within 15 minutes, you can use the "Resend Email" button on the webpage
    2. Click "Verify Account" from within the email
  9. A new browser tab will open up with the confirmation of your email being verified
  10. You can then click:
    1. "Purchase your Texas Rangers Season Pass" if wanting to watch the Texas Rangers on Victory+
    2. "Continue to Victory+" To head straight to the site
    3. "Watching on TV? Pair your TV here" if you're going through the pairing process to a streaming device

Phone or Tablet

  1. On your phone or tablet, find and click on the Victory+ App
  2. Click “Sign Up
  3. Enter your details on the sign up form
  4. Click the checkbox for “I agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, & accept cookies.
  5. (Optional) click the checkbox for “Yes! I want to opt in to score VIP access to exclusive updates, promotions, and insider content.”
  6. Click “Sign Up
  7. Verify your email
    1. Check your email/spam inbox for a verification email
      1. If you do not see an email within 15 minutes, you can use the "Resend Email" button on the webpage
    2. Click "Verify Account" from within the email
  8. A new browser tab will open up with the confirmation of your email being verified
    1. You will need to choose a browser to open the link with if you have multiple browser apps installed on your device
  9. You can then head back to the Victory+ app to sign into your new account
    1. Or, from the open browser page, you can click:
    2. "Purchase your Texas Rangers Season Pass" if wanting to watch the Texas Rangers on Victory+
    3. "Continue to Victory+" To head straight to the site*
      1. *Please note; this will open the site in your phones web browser, we recommend exiting the browser and signing into your new account through the Victory+ app
    4. "Watching on TV? Pair your TV here" if you're going through the pairing process to a streaming device

Using a Guest Account? If you've chosen to "Continue As Guest" from the sign up page, please read our article about guest accounts for more information, here - Using a Guest Account

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